Best Dentist in Norcross, GA

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Affordable Implant Permanent Dentures Norcross, GA

What are implant dentures?

Are you losing your self-confidence, it is time you get it back and improve your overall health at Smile Sky Family Dental with beautiful dentures. Dentures are comfortable and affordable, besides it suits even if you have lost all or some teeth. It helps in restorative dentistry treatment as it restores your smile. Now, great strides have been done in improving the appearance and comfort of dentures. Thus, you are ensured to look yourself flashing a beautiful smile.

Types of Implant Dentures

Implant dentures can be either removable or fixed depending upon the unique needs of the patient. Several types include:

  • Bar-supported: A fully implant-supported removable option. A thin metal bar follows the jaw line between the implants and is attached to four to six implants. Clips fabricated into the underside of the dentures, attach to the bar and secure it firmly in place.
  • Snap-retained: A tissue-supported and implant-retained removable option. Each implant has a snap-type metal abutment attachment that securely retains the denture in place.
  • Hybrid denture: A fully implant-retained and fixed option. A custom milled bar supporting

esthetic acrylic teeth or a milled zirconia bridge screw onto six to eight implants for a fully fixed solution.

What Does It Involve?

The process begins by numbing the infected area with a local anesthetic. Our dentist then uses specialized manual or ultrasonic instruments to remove the tartar on the teeth. The roots are also cleaned by removing the softer and infected cementum to heal the gum tissues.  can help you create a beautiful smile. 

You may need a gum evaluation and deep cleaning treatment if you have any of the following conditions:  

  • Increased tartar buildup on the teeth as well as the roots
  • Adults who do not frequently visit a dentist for professional cleaning
  • Early or moderate stage of gum disease

Have questions about our cosmetic dental procedures? Give us a call at 678-722-5212 to learn more.

We Want to Hear from You

Call us at 678-722-5212 or fill out the form below to contact us today. We look forward to seeing your smile soon.